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dc.contributor.authorYimer Jale, Tadesse-
dc.description.abstract1. INTRODUCTION Phoenix dactylifera L., date palm, is among the most important species in the Palm family (Arecaceae),which encompasses about 200 genera and more than 2,500 species (El Hadrami and El Hadrami, 2009; Jain and Johnson, 2011) The species name was inspired by the finger like shape of the fruit and the genus from the legendary bird of Ancient Greece. It is a long-lived monocotyledonous species and one of the tallest domesticated trees. This perennial and dioecious species represents a cornerstone of the economy in many producing countries, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. Over 100 million trees are currently being planted on an estimated 1 million hectares of land around the world. Fruit, fuel, fiber, and shade for other important cover crops are all provided by the date palm. The yearly global output of dates has surpassed 6-8 million metric tons, with a market value of over one billion dollars. Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are the top three producers, while the india is the major importer of dates.(Hadrami & Al-khayri, 2012) As a result, genetic diversity protection is critical for the current and future functioning of oasis agro-ecosystems, as well as the survival of human groups living there. Recently, there has been a growing awareness of and interest in the need to take a holistic approach to date palm conservation and sustainable use in its native habitat, however, The size and distribution of which are influenced by a multitude of interconnected elements including as the tree's evolution and breeding system, ecological and geographical factors, previous bottlenecks, and anthropogenic causes.The date fruit is a good source of food providing, fibre, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins besides having anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties(Belaifa, 2011). Based on the suitability of environmental conditions, long experience of agropastoralists, and high nutritive values of date fruits, date palm production in the region contributes to improvement of the incomes as well as to reduction of malnutrition and thus improvement of food security for poor agropastoralists. As palm tree is the most versatile plant, and virtually every part of the tree is utilized to make functional items ranging from rope and baskets to beehives, fishing boats, and traditional dwellings, date palmproduction can be an additional income source for agropastoralists that helps in reducing poverty in arid and semiarid areas.(Lemlem & Alemayehu, 2018)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHorn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Networken_US
dc.titleDimensions and Determinants of Poverty in Agro-Pastoral Households of Ayisaita District, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia.en_US
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